It's Father's Day this Sunday and I would like to take this opportunity to urge you people to go and wish your dads a Happy Father's Day. I noticed that fathers do not get enough recognition being a father. If you compare how a family celebrates Father's Day to Mother's Day, it's sad. I know I'm in no position to say anything as my father is dead for so long that I don't even remember much of him now but I remembered dressing up all nicely on Mother's Day because our family was going to a nice restaurant and all. We would celebrate Mother's Day with my grandmother, aunts and my mother altogether. When it comes to Father's Day, I don't remember doing anything.
During Mother's Day, the dad probably paid for dinner. During Father's Day, if a family DO go out, the dad probably paid for dinner too. Fathers just aren't appreciated or recognized enough for the things they contributed in the family! Possibly it's because the things they do are not tangible. In a typical 80s or 90s family, the mothers cook for the child, feed the child, shower the child, teach the child, clean the house, wash the clothes and all sorts of house chores. The dads? Nothing? Well, the dad paid for the electric bills, the water bills, the food, the rent! I'm not saying mothers do not deserve all the attention and appreciation. I mean mothers are great but I just think that fathers should be appreciated more.
Being brought up in a Chinese family, it is pretty usual for a guy to not be close to his father. It's just how a typical Chinese boy is brought up. Usually we don't talk, we just take instructions from the father. Something like Eric and his dad in That 70's Show. Maybe it's something to do with making us a man kinda thing. You know how weird guys can be. We're all idiots.
I have lived most my life without a dad. I don't remember how it's like to even have a dad. I do not have anyone to turn to for advice. I do not have anyone to look up on. I know I still have my mother but it's different. She tried hard to be a mother AND a father for us but it's different. Something is still missing. My memories of my dad are so vague now that if I tell you I miss my dad, you'll know I'm lying. But I'll tell you this, I miss having a dad...
I know I look very much like him. What can I say? I'm a chip off the old block
For you guys who still have fathers, do yourself a favor and appreciate your dads while you still can. If now is not the time, when is it? 16 years after he passed away?
On a lighter note, I came across several humorous advertisements about fatherhood and stuff. Enjoy.
Love this post.
THink i'll buy me dad dinner this weekend.
Brilliant post ;)
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